“You’re there for a reason.”
The words hit me like a brick wall. Ice cold, straight to the point.
My mentor delivered them when my agency was struggling to find its footing. At the time, I dreamed of transforming mom-and-pop businesses into prominent brands. I wanted to give them resources they’d never had.
When I told him this, he short-circuited. It was a total WTF moment. He stammered, then said:
“They’re there for a reason. And you’re not going to be able to help them. What you want isn’t what they want.”
See, my clients weren’t paying their bills. We couldn’t grow our accounts even if they were. I wanted more for them than they wanted for themselves.
He continued:
“You’re there for a reason too. You’re not the fix for their business acumen. You’re not in control of their desire.”
That shifted my perspective instantly.
We are all where we are for a reason—our actions, decisions, or even inaction got us here. The trick is recognizing that reason and deciding what to do next.
In my case, I had to face a hard truth: my goals and my clients’ realities didn’t align. I wanted something for them they didn’t want for themselves. That disconnect kept me stuck.
The same applies to all of us. If the reason you’re “there” doesn’t align with your goals, then you’re fighting yourself.
You’re there for a reason. And so am I.