You read about how to be better, live better. You hear from others on how to lose weight, be happier, smarter. There’s always a new book out or an article. But what do you actually know about you? Do you trust yourself? Do you know your breaking points? Do you know what you should andContinue reading “Become the Expert of You”
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Taking Credit
Taking credit is a funny thing. At first glance, it’s bragging. We want to have everyone acknowledge something. In most cases, this is how great we think we are based on some action. “I called it.” “You see that. I did that. I’m great.” “All this is because of me.” Hold back from pounding yourContinue reading “Taking Credit”
Practice the Process When You Can’t Write
You’re lost. You feel drained. You want to do something, but it seems like there’s a block. For some reason, you can’t. You can’t write. You can’t speak. You can barely think. You have no control over moving forward. There’s no momentum because there’s no movement. Chances are you’re focusing on the wrong thing. YouContinue reading “Practice the Process When You Can’t Write”
Confidence vs. Overconfident
The line between these two is so narrow it’s nearly indistinguishable. One minute you think everything is perfect, you got this, and you’re in the proverbial zone. And then you lose. This can be in a sales pitch or a golf game or anywhere you have a method or process that you follow. And what’sContinue reading “Confidence vs. Overconfident”
Marketing Eyes
I’ve made a career out of studying marketing and sales. If I’m not careful, it can get to me. Because the more you know about marketing, the more it changes the way you view the world. You’ll start to see that almost nothing is genuine. Nearly all news stories that are on TV are pushedContinue reading “Marketing Eyes”
Potential Reasons Why Your Work Sucks
Because you don’t know what you’re doing Because you know what you’re doing but you’re unconfident Because you’re too nice and people walk on you Because you’re too mean and people can’t stand to be around you Because you over-committed yourself Because you don’t know where to start Because the people you’re working with can’tContinue reading “Potential Reasons Why Your Work Sucks”
Blooper Reels
Blooper reels. They’re only funny to those that are in the reels. And sometimes, just sometimes, they’re funny to those that personally know the people. Overall, they’re self-serving. It’s not like it’s a skateboard video where guys are wracking their nuts attempting to do a rail slide. That’s a real feat there. Someone doing somethingContinue reading “Blooper Reels”
Making a Profit
Turning a profit isn’t easy. You have to align expectations with value and then have enough for you and the government. Then if you want a great place to work where people are happy, well taken care of with the best tools, insurance and all the like, it’s even harder. Now don’t get me wrong,Continue reading “Making a Profit”
Swearing Experiment
I stopped cursing. Or cussing. Or swearing. Whatever you call it. I was on vacation and decided to give it a try. Doesn’t mean I’ll never cuss again. But you have to understand my relationship with cussing and then I’ll tell you the benefits. My parents are cursers. My dad is one of the best.Continue reading “Swearing Experiment”